- available for dogs with behavior and aggression concerns
- assessment for social play group
- slatmill, treadmill, and tug rig available
- eligible for free adventure days, private room & ceiling-height kennel accommodations
- medication provided at no additional charge
- extended stay discounts 21 days+
all basic boarding amenities all services above are included at no additional charge for premium boarders. the add-ons below are available at an additional cost.
- transportation services (additional cost)
- eligible for add-on activities; dock diving, barnhunt, field rental (additional cost)
holiday surcharge +$25/holiday/dog (may also include extended holiday weekends). each additional hour over 12 $4/hour/dog.
looking for Basic Boarding? please contact Beyond the Walk at beyondthewalkdogs@gmail.com or 973-903-4621
daytime care (up to 12 hours)
multiple opportunities for exercise and rest
carefully selected play groups (if applicable)
each additional dog $45
daycare packages available - see website
transportation available: 15min or less $5, pending availability
by booking you agree to the following:
holiday surcharge +$25/holiday/dog (may also include extended holiday weekends)
each additional hour over 12 $4/hour/dog
Unprecedented open line of communication with your trainer between sessions during training
Initial Session | $250/hr
following sessions: 4 Hour Package | $600 || 9 Hour Package | $1350
Available in-person or via phone/video call. Visit our website for more training options
In order to ensure our clients meet their goals with their dog, we suggest the quantity of sessions that would likely be needed. Each session can range from 30 minutes to an hour and a half depending on the case. However, we don't want to over work your dog or use package time unnecessarily so time used is deducted from your package as we go; a 4 hour package may be 3 sessions or more than 4 sessions. Package commitment is required at the time of further booking after the initial consult. Select cases may not require a package.
additional travel cost/in-person session: under 30min no cost, 30-60min $15, 1hr $30, 2hr+ $60+
From enrichment programs in shelters to boosting rescue operations to creating and revamping boarding, daycare, and training businesses and services, we are excited to partner with you!
Anyone can enroll in coaching, regardless of location!
Convenient, creative, efficient remote coaching
Diane has been matching pets to humans for almost 10 years through animal rescue with over 30 successful, lifelong matches made including canine sport partners. Diane continues to follow the most progressive considerations in acquiring a puppy from a breeder. Pet match making services takes all aspects of your life and desires in a dog into account as well that the reputation of the source the pet is adopted or purchased through.
Adult dog match making, through rescue, rehoming, or change of ownership, emphasizes behavior history and evaluation and health history. Puppy seeking emphasizes temperament, puppy raising methods, and health.
While Beyond matches humans and pet dogs, we also match humans and potential sport or therapy canines. For clients seeking a sport or working partner, biddability and drive are critically reviewed. For clients seeking a pet therapy canine partner, temperament is deeply analyzed and evaluated including stability in a variety of environments and social disposition toward humans, including children, and other animals. Diane takes the utmost care in Match Making canine therapy partners as she has two certified therapy dogs herself.
It is our pleasure to match you with your newest companion.